Author Guidelines
Jurnal Pendidikan Sagacious is published yearly by the Rumah Jurnal Press. It publishes dependable and timely data emanating from original research and new perspectives in sociology, anthropology and related fields. All articles submitted are reviewed anonymously by at least two experts in the field.
The benefits of publishing in Jurnal Pendidikan Sagacious:
- Free access to all articles
- Fast and constructive peer review process (one month)
- Easy and quick online submission
- Rapid publication
Withdrawal Policy for authors
Authors are free to withdraw an article at no charge – as long as it is withdrawn within 15 days of its initial submission.
If you have concerns or questions about it, please contact us for further discussion. We welcome your input.
Submission declaration, ethics and malpractice statement
The submitted work should not have been published previously somewhere else.
The authors do not have the permission to submit their work to two or more places, simultaneously.
The papers should not have been published in any other languages before.
We are serious about any form of copyright violation, any paper submitted to our journal does not have to have similarity index of over 5 percent with other published documents.
The paper must have significant contribution and the authors may be requested to state the contribution of the paper in separate sheet on the time of submission.
Units of measurement should be presented simply and concisely using System International (SI) units.
Types of Articles
Manuscripts should be presented as one of the following formats.
Full Original Researches
A full-length original research article (up to ~5000 words, including tables, figures, and references) presents novel findings relevant to the aims and scope of the journal.
A full-length critical review (up to ~8000 words, including tables, figures and references) provides an abstract and discussion of the relevant literature about any topic covered within the aims and scope of the journal. Review articles should be sharply focused, well-focused, well-documented examinations of timely related issues.
Mini-Reviews are sharply focused, well-focused, well-documented examinations of timely related issues (up to ~4000 words, including tables, figures and references). The issues may be of a controversial nature, or may address a more narrowly focused area than those typically covered in a review.
Short Communications
Short Communications are preliminary reports (up to ~2000 words, including tables, figures and references).
Commentaries present the author’s considered opinion (up to ~1000 words limited to one figure/table and limited references) on an original article to be published in the journal and usually submitted by the reviewers.
Case reports
These reports should include an introduction, case description, discussion, and conclusions. Patient confidentiality must be maintained. Any identifying information must not be published, and any specific details or description that may compromise patient anonymity, should be omitted. The patient’s consent should be obtained when possible.
Letters to Editor
Letter to Editor presents the author’s opinion (up to ~1000 words limited to one figure/table with limited references). If such a letter criticizes an article already published in the journal, then the authors of the original article will be given a chance to respond in the same issue in which the letter is published.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Submitted manuscripts to JHP must be in DOC format as follows. Authors are strongly recommended to consult a recently published article in this journal and consider the following instructions.
Title page
Title: Lengthy systematic names and complicated/numerous chemical formulae should be avoided where possible.
Authors’ names: Full names (First, Middle and Last) for all the authors of an article should be given and specified with superscript number(s) for the affiliation(s) [e.g., Mark Junior Smiths1]. The name of the corresponding author(s) should be specified with an asterisk after name (e.g., Mark Junior Smiths*). Where the family name may be ambiguous (e.g., a double name), please indicate this clearly.
Affiliation: Affiliation of all the authors should be given and specified with superscripted number before address (e.g., 1Faculty of …..).
Running title: A very short running title should be given.
Corresponding author: Full address, telephone, and fax numbers (with country and area code) and email of the corresponding author(s) should be given.
Abstract page
Abstract: A factual concise abstract (up to 250 words) is required for every manuscript. The abstract should briefly state the Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion. An abstract is often presented separately from the article; hence it must be able to stand alone. Referencing should be avoided. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, however, if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.
Key words: Immediately after the abstract, three to six relevant keywords should be included. (Notice: Readers are increasingly used search engines to find literature using keywords; thus, recognizable and searchable keywords should be given to maximize the visibility of the article.)
Notice: Original research papers can also be published in a brief format. Submitted papers that are of interest but are not acceptable as a full-length original contribution are offered by the editor to be published in this section. Also, the authors can primarily submit their papers for consideration of publication in this section. An unstructured abstract not longer than 200 words is required for this section. The body of the manuscript should not exceed 2000 words, and no heading or subheading should be used. Tables and/or Figures should be limited to 2 ones and references to 15 in maximum.
This section should clearly and briefly (up to 600 words) provide an adequate background with relevant references, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. The last paragraph should address the main objectives of the work.
Materials and Methods (Patients and Methods for clinical investigations)
This section should provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced, with details of the supplier (i.e., company’s name, city, country) and catalogue number when appropriate. Methods already published, should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. The company’s name, city and country of manufacturer of the major equipment should be given. Unexpected hazards encountered during the experimental work should be noted. Any unusual hazards inherent in the use of chemicals, procedures or equipments in the investigation should be clearly identified. In cases where a study involves the use of live animals or human subjects, the author should include a statement that all experiments were performed in compliance with the relevant laws and institutional guidelines, and also state the institutional committee(s) that has approved the experiments. They should also include a statement that informed consent was obtained for any experimentation with human subjects.
Results should be clear, descriptive and concise. Attention should be paid to the matter of significant figures and tables. The same data should not be presented in more than one figure or in both a figure and a table. Basically, as a rule, interpretation of the results should be reserved for the discussion section of a full original research article.
The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work (without repeating them) in comparison with others similar reports. Extensive citations and discussion of published literature should be avoided.
The main question of the work should be very concisely stated and the final conclusions of the study may be presented in a short “Conclusions†section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section(s).
Citation in text
Please make sure that all references cited in the text are also presented in the reference list. Please use only indexed papers, books, etc in your paper. In our oponion, a good quality paper must have, at least, 15-20 references from indexed journals.
Reference style
Text: All citations in the text need to refer to:
1. Single author: the author's name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication;
2. Two authors: both authors' names and the year of publication;
3. Three or more authors: first author's name followed by "et al." and the year of publication.
Examples: "as demonstrated (Sadjadi, 2009a, 2009b). Ben-Tal et al. (2000) have recently shown ...."
List: References must be arranged alphabetically.
Reference to a journal publication:
Charnes, A., Copper, W.W., & Rhodes, E. (1978). Measuring the efficiency of decision-making units. European Journal of Operational Research, 2(1), 429–444.
Reference to a book:
Fuare, R.,Grabowski, R.,& Grosskopf,S.(1985). The measurement of efficiency of production. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
Mettam, G.R., Adams, L.B., (1999). How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones, B.S., Smith, R.Z. (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age. E-Publishing Inc., New York, pp. 281-304.
Reyes-Aguero, J.A. (2005). Variacion morfologica de Opuntia (Cactaceae) y su relacion con la domesticacion en la Altiplanicie Meridional de Mexico. Ph.D. Thesis; Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Koh, J.K.H. (2012). A Guide to Common Singapore Spiders. Available at: Last accessed 11.11.2011.
Tables should be created with a word processor and saved in either DOC or RTF format.
Notice: Please embed tables in your text.
The figures must be minimum 300 dpi resolution at full size (size when printed in journal).
Notice: Please embed figures in your text.
Copyright Assignment
If your paper is accepted, the author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper, the corresponding author should study and accept the copyright statement that is available on the journal website.
Authors should acknowledge any scientific, technical, statistical and financial supports. Contributors other than coauthors may be very briefly acknowledged in a separate paragraph at the end of the paper. All sources of funding should be declared.